業界最安値に挑戦中!! ウィークリーマンションやマンスリーマンションを全国でお探しの方はBraTTo×monthly&weeklyにお任せ下さい♪
受付時間:09:30-19:00 水曜日も休まず営業中!!



A. ご利用期間によって前後致しますので、お気軽にご相談くださいませ。 Sショート  :約1ヶ月前 ショート   :約2ヶ月前 ミドル・ロング:約3ヶ月前
A.指定口座へのお振込み、当社での現金払い、クレジットカード払い、 PayPay払いが可能です。詳しくはこちら
A.電子契約ですのでメールまたはLINEで完結します。 ご来店の必要はありませんが、ご来店いただいてお支払いやご契約を済ませていただく事もできます。 ご契約書は書面での発行も可能です。
A.契約者様、入居者様の顔写真つき身分証明書1点ずつでご契約可能です。顔写真付きの身分証をお持ちでない方は2点の身分証が必要となります。 ※法人様でのご契約の場合は簡単な会社概要のご提示をお願いしております。
A.日本国発行の外国人登録証をお持ちであればご本人様がご契約いただけます。お持ちでない場合、日本国籍をお持ちの方に代理でご契約いただきます。 ※但しいずれの場合でも日本語をお話しいただけない方は日本語の通訳者が必要となります。
A.契約申込後はキャンセル料が発生しますが、キャンセルしていただく事は可能です。 詳しくは、キャンセルポリシーをご確認ください。


A.【チェックイン】午後3時以降 【チェックアウト】午後12時まで
A.お客様ご自身での受け取りとなりますので、必ずご入居日の午後3時以降の時間指定をしていただいて送ってください。 CS○○○という名称は正式名称ではご座いませんので正式名称を事前にお問い合わせ下さい。お部屋番号はご入居予定日の3日前までに確定いたします。
A.空室が有る場合は可能ですのでお問い合わせくださいませ。 その際は再度契約手続きをしていただきます。 また、ご延長の際にはキャンペーン割引の適用はございません。


A.後退居後すぐ担当の者にお伝え頂けますと、弊社で保管は可能です。 長期の保管は致しかねます。場合によっては破棄させて頂く可能性もございます。 別途保管料や、郵送費等ご請求させて頂くこともございます。ご了承下さい。
A.可能です。ご返金額はご退去時期によって異なります。詳しくはコチラ ご不明な点がございましたら、お気軽にスタッフにお尋ねください。


A.当社で契約や提携している駐車場はございませんが、マンションによっては駐車場の契約を 別途していただくことで利用できる場合もございます。 また、近隣の月極駐車場をお探しする事もできますのでご相談ください。
A.お客様がご入居後すぐにでも生活いただける備品を取り揃えております。 例)TV・ベッド・電子レンジ・冷蔵庫・デスク・掃除機・・・など 詳しくはこちら


A.他の方が来るまでお待ちいただくか、インターフォンにて他の住人を呼び出していただき解錠してください。 まれに緊急用の暗証番号が設けられているオートロックもございます。弊社までお問い合わせくださいませ。


Q.When can I start booking weekly or monthly apartments?
A.“If there is a vacancy, you can make a reservation. We assume that the contract procedures will be completed before you move in.”
Q.Can I move in with a reservation on the same day?
A.Please consult us as we may or may not be able to accommodate you depending on the availability of rooms.
Q.What is the process of the contract?
A.You can easily make a reservation with one phone call. Please see here for details.
Q.Can I change the contract if my plans change?
A.If changes are made, a change fee of 1,100 yen (including tax) will be charged per contract.
Q.What are the payment methods?
A.Payment can be made by bank transfer to a designated account, cash payment at our company, credit card payment, or PayPay payment. For more details, please click “here”.
Q.When is the payment due date?
A.Payment is in advance. Please make payment by the due date on the invoice.
Q.Can I make monthly payments like rent?
A.It is possible if you stay for more than 3 months. Also, if you stay for more than 6 months and pay in installments, a joint guarantor is required. *Please note that there is a split handling fee.
Q.From what day can I use it?
A.We accept reservations for a usage period of 7 days or more. There is no limit to long-term contracts.
Q.Do I need to go to the store when signing the contract?
A.Since it is an electronic contract, it can be completed by email or LINE. There is no need to visit our store, but you can also come to our store to make payment and complete the contract. The contract can also be issued in writing.
Q.Is it possible to preview the room?
A.Please consult with our staff once as there may be conflicts with other customers or cleaning companies
Q.What documents are needed at the time of contract?
A.You can contract with one photo ID each for the contractor and the resident. If you do not have a photo ID, you will need two IDs.
Q.What kind of ID is needed?
A.Please prepare a valid one in any case My number: front side only Driver’s license: both sides Health insurance card: one where the address can be confirmed Residence card: front side Please feel free to contact us if other than the above
Q.Do I need a guarantor at the time of contract?
A.Our short-term rental apartments can be contracted without a guarantor.
Q.Can a minor make a contract?
A.Even minors can contract, but you will need to submit a “Parental Consent Form”.
Q.Can a foreigner make a contract?
A.If you have a foreigner registration certificate issued by Japan, you can contract yourself. If you do not have one, a person with Japanese nationality will contract on your behalf. *However, in either case, if you cannot speak Japanese, you will need a Japanese interpreter.
Q.Is it okay to make a payment after moving in for a corporate contract?
A.In the case of a corporation, if the payment will be made after moving in due to the closing payment, please contact us and the person in charge will consult with you.
Q.What kind of company overview is needed?
A.For the company overview, please provide something with the company name, location, business content, and number of employees. We can also handle the URL of the company’s web page or screenshots.
Q.Can you provide a breakdown of the management fee listed on the estimate or invoice?
A.It is possible. The breakdown of the management fee is 500 yen for common service fee and 750 yen for utility fee. We can also list this.
Q.Can I tentatively reserve a room?
A.We basically do not do it. If you are planning a long-term contract, please contact us once.
Q.Are there any precautions when two people move in?
A.About the bed Even if two people can move in, the number and size of the beds may not meet your needs. Please check the number and size of the beds. We can also prepare additional bedding according to your wishes.
Q.Can I get a receipt?
A.“Yes, it is possible. After confirming the payment, we will send it as a PDF data. Please note that reissue is not possible. If you need the original, please consult with the person in charge”
Q.Can I cancel or terminate?
A.After applying for a contract, a cancellation fee will be charged, but it is possible to cancel. Please check the “Cancellation Policy” for more details.
Q.If I leave the room a few days early, will that portion be refunded?
A.From the day you consulted us, we can change the schedule of the contract period quite a bit in advance. For example, if you consulted us about changing the contract period to 10 months from the third month from the start date of a one-year contract, we will not receive a penalty for two months. We will refund the remaining two months.If you have any other consultations, we will respond flexibly.
Q.What are the check-in and check-out times?
A.[Check-in] After 3:00 PM [Check-out] Until 12:00 PM
Q.Is it not possible for anyone other than the contractee to enter the room?
A.Accommodation is not allowed for anyone other than the resident who has presented their ID.
Q.I want to send my luggage in advance, what should I do?
A.“Since you will be receiving it yourself, please be sure to specify a time after 3:00 PM on the day of your move-in and send it. The name CS○○○ is not the official name, so please inquire about the official name in advance. The room number will be confirmed up to 3 days before the scheduled move-in date.”
Q.Can I extend after moving in?
A.“If there is a vacancy, it is possible, so please contact us. In that case, you will need to go through the contract procedure again. Also, campaign discounts do not apply when extending.”
Q.Can I move rooms after moving in?
A.Please consult with the person in charge. If you need to move rooms due to your circumstances, there will be a charge.
Q.How should I dispose of garbage?
A.It varies depending on the area and building, so please check the “Guide to Contracted Properties” that we provide at the time of contract for details. For more information, please check the website of each city. *Please understand and cooperate after checking the specified rules.
Q.Can I use a delivery service to the room while I’m living there?
A.You can use it during the contract period. *Please be sure to arrange for shipment with the building name, as parcels will not be delivered with the property name CS○○○. *Please refrain from using the delivery box at our company.
Q.What happens if I break or lose something in the room?
A.You will be charged for anything caused by your intentional or negligent actions. Please check the “Estimated Price List for Restoring to Original Condition” for more details.
Q.Are there any apartments where pets are allowed?
A.We can introduce properties where pets are allowed only in the Osaka area.
Q.Are there any apartments with parking?
A.We do not have any parking lots contracted or affiliated with our company, but depending on the apartment, you may be able to use it by contracting a parking lot separately. Also, if you are looking for a monthly parking lot in the neighborhood, please consult us.
Q.Is there a built-in phone?
A.There is no built-in telephone equipment in the room.
Q.How should I connect to the internet?
A.It depends on the room, so please ask the person in charge.
Q.Can I change my address to a weekly or monthly apartment?
A.As a rule, you cannot move the resident card. However, if you plan to use it for a long period of time, please consult us.
Q.What kind of equipment is in the room?
A.We have prepared equipment that you can use for living as soon as you move in. For example, TV, bed, microwave, refrigerator, desk, vacuum cleaner, etc. For more details, please click “here”.
Q.Are utilities included?
A.It is included in the management fee. However, please note that if there is an excessive excess, it will be subject to billing.
Q.Can I rent two futons for free when two people move in?
A.We apologize, but the free rental of futons is only for one person. There is an extra charge for two or more people. The cost of one set of futon is 2,200 yen for basic usage fee + 330 yen/day + 2,000 yen for shipping.
Q.Only one burner on the gas stove will not light
A.Please check the following causes once. The burner cap is off. The burner cap is dirty or wet. The ignition plug is dirty or wet. If these are not the case, please contact our company.
Q.A B-CAS card error appears on the TV
A.Turn off the main power of the TV, and remove the B-CAS card on the bottom or side. Wipe the IC chip part of the card you took out with a soft cloth, insert it back into the original place in the correct direction, and turn on the TV. If it still doesn’t work, please contact our company.
Q.Is smoking allowed?
A.“Smoking is basically prohibited.Please refrain from using the balcony as well. If there are burn marks, stains, or odors, you may be charged for restoration costs.”
Q.The hot water does not come out.
A.“Gas water heater Please confirm if there is operation panel of water heater in the room. ※ There is panel on the wall around the kitchen or the bathroom entrance. ※ There is also no operation panel type.”
Q.How should I receive the key?
A.The way you receive the key will depend on the apartment you will be moving into, but you can either come to our store or we will provide a method that includes a secret number.
Q.How should I return the key?
A.Please return the key to the designated place in the local apartment by 12:00 PM on the day of departure and contact us.
Q.I lost the key.
A.“If you lose the key, we will rent a key during our office reception hours (10:00 to 17:00). Please contact us in advance.Our staff can also bring it. In that case, there will be a claim fee of 3,300 yen. Also, if the key is not found within a week, we will charge a separate key replacement fee of 30,000 yen or more (including tax).”
Q.Is the key the same as the one the previous person was using?
A.We have a copy key installed in the apartment managed by our company. Please rest assured that the copy key cannot be duplicated.
Q.I left the key inside and went outside the auto-lock.
A.Please wait for someone else to come, or call out another resident via the intercom to unlock. Occasionally, there is an auto lock with an emergency secret number. Please contact us.
Q.I left something in the room.
A.“If you inform the person in charge immediately after moving out, we can keep it at our company. We cannot store it for a long period of time. Depending on the situation, we may have to discard it. Please note that we may charge additional storage fees and postage fees.”
Q.Is a meeting necessary when moving out?
A.Basically, it is not necessary. It may be necessary for customers who use it for a long period of time.
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※ 複数物件選択可能です。

受付時間:09:30-19:00 水曜日も休まず営業中!!